Harran Houses

  • 23. April 2024
  • Şanlıurfa İnfo
Last weekend, I embarked on an exploration filled with history and culture: the district of Harran in Şanlıurfa. This historical area, which I had wanted to visit ever since I first heard its name, is known for its unique architectural structures and traces of an ancient civilization.
Upon my arrival in Harran, the first thing that caught my attention was the famous Harran houses, distinguished by their conical roofs. These houses offer a highly effective natural air conditioning system. The walls are made of thick mudbrick, and the roofs of straw. These materials ensure the houses remain cool in summer and warm in winter. The unique architecture of Harran houses seemed to me a symbol of the region's adaptation to both its historical context and challenging climate conditions.
Stepping inside the houses, I immediately felt the warmth and intimacy of the space. The rooms are generally arranged around a courtyard, allowing family members to be together yet maintain separate spaces. This courtyard also serves as the center of the home's social life, where women cook, children play, and elders unwind after the day.
Walking the streets of Harran, I constantly felt a transition between past and present. It seemed as if every corner held a story from ancient times. During my walk towards the ruins of Harran University, I learned that it was the site of the first university in the Islamic world. Just thinking about how science, astronomy, and philosophy flourished in this land is awe-inspiring.
During my visit, the hospitality and warmth of the local people were among the most striking aspects. The people of Harran warmly welcomed visitors, sharing information about their lifestyle and culture. I had the opportunity to taste local dishes; eggplant and pepper stuffings, fresh yogurts, and spicy kebabs were truly delicious.
Harran captivated me not only with its stunning history and architecture but also through the rich cultural experiences it offered. The most valuable aspect of this trip was discovering the beauty and simplicity of a different way of life. Harran is indeed a place filled with mystery and history that deserves to be explored.
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