April 23 was celebrated with enthusiasm in Şanlıurfa

  • 26. April 2024
  • Şanlıurfa İnfo
Governor Hasan Şıldak attended the celebrations held at Haliliye 2002 Foundations Primary School as part of the April 23 National Sovereignty and Children's Day. Governor Şıldak, who watched the performances of the students, also met with the children and took photos with them to commemorate the day. Showing close interest in the families as well, Governor Şıldak emphasized the importance of education.

The First Instruction of the Young Governor was Education
The programs throughout the day continued at the Governorship. Governor Şıldak, who symbolically handed over his position to Muhammed Ali Denek, a student from Profilo Primary School, listened to the requests of the young Governor. Addressing the requests for an increase in the number of schools and classrooms, as well as teacher appointments, Governor Şıldak said in his evaluation, "The children who are our guests today discussed our future, the development of our country, and the situation of Şanlıurfa. I especially thank Muhammed Ali Vali. They represented all the children of Şanlıurfa here today. I also thank their teachers and families and wish all our children a happy April 23 National Sovereignty and Children's Day."
kaynak: sanliurfa valiliği
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