Discover the Sacred Place

  • 26. April 2024
  • Şanlıurfa İnfo
A Hidden Paradise in the Heart of Şanlıurfa: Balıklıgöl

Balıklıgöl, a sacred place located in the heart of Şanlıurfa, in the Southeastern Anatolia region of Turkey, stands out with its historical and mystical atmosphere. Leading the list of places to visit in Şanlıurfa, Balıklıgöl consists of two lakes: Balıklıgöl and Aynzeliha Lake. These lakes are mostly known for the legend of Prophet Abraham being thrown into the fire. According to the legend, Allah turned the fire into water and the logs into fish for Prophet Abraham when he was thrown into the fire by Nimrod. Therefore, the fish in the lake are considered sacred, and harming them is forbidden.

The Importance of Visiting Balıklıgöl and Visitor Information

Balıklıgöl not only offers spiritual tranquility to its visitors but also enchants them with its unique natural beauty. The surroundings of the lake have turned into a refreshing spot away from the bustling city life of Şanlıurfa. Visitors can take a walk by the lake or feed the fish. The size of these fish and their proximity to humans make the lake even more special.

The green areas and shades around the lake serve as a savior, especially for those who want to cool off during the summer months. Moreover, tea gardens, cafes, and restaurants along the lake shore provide visitors with enjoyable moments throughout the day.

Historical Structures and Tourist Attractions Near Balıklıgöl

Historical structures such as Rızvaniye Mosque and Halil-ür Rahman Mosque, located right next to Balıklıgöl, offer a visual feast to visitors. The location and architecture of Halil-ür Rahman Mosque by the lake shore particularly attract admiration from visitors. Rızvaniye Mosque, on the other hand, overlooks the lake from a high point and offers visitors a unique view.

Cultural Experiences in Şanlıurfa: Archaeology and Mosaic Museum

Şanlıurfa Archaeology and Mosaic Museum is one of the must-see places during your visit to Balıklıgöl. The museum houses artifacts shedding light on human history from prehistoric times in the region and exhibits important artifacts brought from Göbeklitepe.

Final Recommendations for Visiting Balıklıgöl

Balıklıgöl continues to be a center of attraction for both local people and national and international tourists. Every year, thousands of visitors experience a spiritual journey by visiting this sacred place. Our final recommendation for those who want to visit Balıklıgöl is to bring comfortable walking shoes with them.
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